How does drinking water help lose belly fat: Powerful with effective ways!

Belly fat is one of the most frustrating types of fat. It shows a high level of visceral fat, which supports your abdominal organs, and a high level of subcutaneous fat on the surface of your body, which can be challenging to decrease. Drinking water has been linked to helping weight loss for a long time. 

In fact, 30–59% of US adults who try to lose weight enhance their water intake. Many research shows that drinking more water may facilitate weight loss and maintenance.

Also Read: 21 easy exercises to lose belly fat 

Several other studies have highlighted overweight people who drank 1-1.5 liters (34–50 oz) of water daily for a few weeks. They observe an essential reduction in weight, body mass index (BMI), waist diameter, and body fat. These outcomes may be even more impressive when the water is cold. When you drink cold water, your body utilizes extra calories to warm the water up to body temperature.

There are many reasons someone might have a high level of belly fat, including genetics, diet, and lifestyle. Regardless of the cause, belly fat can be highly unhealthy and increase your risk of numerous conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

We are all aware that drinking water is fruitful for our health. It keeps our organs functioning, helps us feel full, and can even help us lose weight. But did you ever wonder if drinking water helps you lose belly fat? It’s true!

Water is the most significant contributor to our total body water, an essential factor in determining our body composition. Body fat is significantly more dense than muscle and organs, so the more water in your body, the less room for fat. When your body is fully hydrated, it signals your brain to shut down the food cravings and help you avoid overeating.

So, We will tell you how does drinking water help lose belly fat?

Benefits of drinking water 

Here are the reasons behind how this work:

1. Decreases appetite 

2. Water intake increases metabolism 

3. Water helps when you exercise

4. Water subtracts the waste out 

5. Aids lipolysis 

6. When you stay hydrated, you feel less stressed out 

Decreases appetite 

People tend to turn toward food when bored, which results in overeating and weight gain. And gradually, overeating becomes one’s habit. 

Also read: Easy Ways: How to Lose BELLY FAT while Sleeping!

So when you drink water instead of chewing that junk, you consume less food as water makes you feel full.

Water intake increases metabolism

Do you want to increase your metabolism? The best way is to drink water—plain old water, that is it.. inking water has been shown to increase your metabolism in several ways. Firstly, drinking water helps you feel fuller longer, which aids weight loss. Secondly, water helps you process and extract the nutrients you need from the food you eat, which helps to boost your metabolism.

Water helps when you exercise

This won’t be surprising. If you wish to build those muscles, your body needs enough water because when you stay dehydrated, the muscles break down the proteins faster, resulting in slow muscle building. You misinterpret that maybe your workout sessions aren’t that effective. 

How does drinking water help lose belly fat

Hence water plays a significant role while you exercise. 

Water subtracts the waste out of the body

You already have a big belly, and bloating happens every day to you. What could be worse? One of the reasons behind your bloating can be less water intake, as water is critical to human health and well-being. It is necessary for the proper function of the body’s organs and systems, the building of tissues, and the maintenance of body weight. The role of water in the body is often overlooked, however. Water is the medium through which most biochemical reactions occur in the body. Water is also the medium by which most waste products are eliminated.

Also read: What Fruit Burns Belly Fat While You Sleep?

Drinking water can reduce overall liquid calorie intake

It’s easy to accumulate liquid calories by drinking soda, juice, or sweetened coffee or tea.

Most people also ignore how many calories they consume in sports drinks or alcoholic potables. Replacing many high-calorie drinks daily with water or other no-calorie potables, similar to herbal tea, may have benefits of weight loss.

Replacing two or other high-sweet beverages for non-caloric drinks every day for 6 months resulted in an average weight loss of between 2 and2.5 percent in a group of ladies with obesity.

In 2015, womanish participants drank 250 mL of water daily after lunch while attending a 24- week weight loss program. They lost13.6 percent additional weight than women in the same program who drank the same volume of diet beverages after lunch results of a large-scale study

Men and women who replaced one serving of a sugary beverage for water or a low-calorie drink for 4 times gained0.49 smaller kg than an analogous group who had made no changes.

The same study showed that grown-ups who replaced at least one serving of fruit juice with water or a low-calorie drink gained0.35 kg lower than their counterparts.

Water is necessary to burn fat

Without water, the body can not duly metabolize stored fat or carbohydrates.

Also read: How does Watermelon cause Belly Fat: The Truth Behind this Rumor!

The process of metabolizing fat is called lipolysis. The first step of this process is hydrolysis, which occurs when water granules interact with triglycerides( fats) to produce glycerol and fatty acids.

Drinking enough water is essential for burning off fat from food and drink and stored fat.

In 2016, increased water intake led to increased lipolysis and fat loss in animal studies.

Aids lipolysis  

If you don’t know about lipolysis, it is a process by which our body burns fat, known as lipolysis. Mild dehydration can even affect lipolysis, which may slow down your metabolic processes, including food transportation and digestion, toxins removal, and body temperature regulation. Hence water helps in or aids lipolysis.

Other health benefits of drinking water

As we know, our body comprises 60% water, so weight loss isn’t the only body function affected by proper hydration. These are a few more examples of what else water can do:

Water keeps your skin bright

Scientists still are not aware of the exact mechanism. Still, given water’s important role in most of your body mechanisms, it makes sense that it would also be significant in skin health.

 A 2015 article published in Clinical, Cosmetic highlighted that enhancing water intake would affect the skin like a topical moisturizer. It could positively impact our normal skin physiology, including elasticity (the loss of which produces sagging and wrinkles).

Water boosts your brainpower

Just like the whole of our body, our brain too depends on H2O to work most effectively—water actually comprises 73% of the brain. Even minor levels of dehydration (as little as 2% water loss) enhance your performance in tasks that need attention, cognitive process, physical movement, and immediate memory skills, as per research in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.

Water maintains blood pressure

“Water plays a vital role in keeping the blood flow efficiently, “When you’re in a state of dehydration, the plasma ratio changes in a manner that makes the blood thicker and more adhesive. This makes it difficult for blood to flow where it needs to, enhancing the stress placed on the heart.”

Additionally, when your body’s cells don’t possess enough water, the brain releases a chemical that compresses the blood vessels, which can cause hypertension or high blood pressure, which can enhance the risk of stroke and heart disease. Remaining hydrated prevents your blood vessels from squeezing so blood can flow normally.

When you stay hydrated, you feel less stressed out

Have you ever noticed that whenever you are dehydrated, your performance goes down? Whether working or studying, do you start feeling stressed out or sometimes demotivated?

All this is because when you’re dehydrated, your body can’t function as well as when you’re hydrated. Lack of water can cause fatigue and make it harder to concentrate. It can also increase stress and make you irritable, so drinking enough water daily is essential so you don’t turn to food in such situations. 

Simple ways that make you drink more H20

Give a flavor to plain water

Do you like flavor-added water? If yes, then just invest in infuser bottles. Add the fruit you love to your water and enjoy. 

Some of such combinations are strawberry plus kiwi, lemon, and cucumber.

Watery foods

Another simple way is to eat wet food items. To function correctly, Your body needs water. Still, sometimes we don’t always feel like drinking enough to keep our bodies happy and healthy. Eating bland foods is a straightforward way to increase your water intake. Watery foods include watermelon, oranges, lettuce, celery, and zucchini. These foods are highly rich in water and can increase your overall water intake.

One glass rule

Make it a mandatory law for you to drink a glass of water before you sleep and wake up every morning.

In addition, this improves your vigilance.


If you work 9 to 5 or have a busy schedule, you do not remember to hydrate yourself. We have a tip for you guys: make an hourly-based process every hour and make sure you drink a glass of water. 

You just need to keep a glass of water near your sight, which will always remind you to drink water.

Set reminders

Even if this does not work for you, just set daily alarms.

You can ensure your daily water intake without any extra effort.

How much water should one need to drink?

There is no standard suggestion for how much water to drink. Some people require more while some require less water, depending on a variety of factors, including:

  • activity graph
  • age
  • body size
  • temperature
  • humidity
  • sun exposure
  • health condition

Many health authorities recommend ranges for daily water intake. The following water consumption recommendations are from the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) in the United States:

  • 2,700 mL/day for adult women
  • 3,700 mL/day for adult men

Getting enough water

 The National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey 2005–2010 showed that most adult males drink more water than NAM suggests daily.

However, outcomes showed that many adults, especially some older adults, did not drink enough water to meet NAM’s standard.

Of the individuals aged 20–50, 42.7 percent of males and 40.6 percent of females did not meet NAM standards. Out of those 71 years of age or older, 94.7 percent of males and 82.6 of females did not meet the proper guidelines.

The following suggestions could facilitate increased water intake:

  • drinking at least one 8-ounce glass of water after each meal
  • taking water in a reusable water bottle
  • drinking extra water while exercising or during physical activity
  • drinking extra water when it is warm, humid, or very sunny
  • putting a bottle of water near the bed
  • consuming more soups and liquid-rich meals, like curries, stews, and smoothies
  • consuming fruits and vegetables with the high water levels, especially berries, grapes, melons, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, and lettuce


Our bodies are made up of around 60% water, so there’s no doubt that water helps with weight loss. Water helps stoke our metabolism, which allows our bodies to burn more fat. Water also helps regulate our digestive system, which helps reduce the amount of food our body can digest. When we are water deficient, our body will often sense this. It will then trigger our appetite to make us seek food to increase the amount of fluid or water in our bodies.

 Until now, we hope you got the logic behind how drinking water helps lose belly fat, but just drinking is not the only thing you can rely on to lose that stubborn belly fat. You must maintain a healthy diet and work out every day because drinking adequate water is just a component.

The science also highlights that drinking water may help lose weight and enhance other positive health results. “Water is vital in every cellular functioning of our body from head to toe. Remaining hydrated facilitates the body to run more effectively and make us feel better.”

But drinking more water must be only 1 small part of your health journey. “Drinking water would not work to have a considerable weight loss effect, and without calorie limitation and exercise, just drinking water is not likely to lead to significant weight loss,

Frequently asked questions 

Q1: What is the volume of 8 glasses in liters?

Ans: Two liters
Everyone has different views on how much water you should drink each day. Experts usually suggest eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily, equating to around 2 liters. Half a gallon. It is also known as the 88 rule; it is relatively simple to memorize.

Q2: Is it possible to flatten your stomach by drinking water?

Ans: Before eating lunch or dinner, having a glass of water is helpful. It may assist you in achieving your purpose. Drinking water may help you reach your objective of a flatter stomach by increasing your metabolic rate, making you feel fuller, and relieving constipation.

Q3: Is water required for lipolysis?

Ans: Water is required for the lipolysis process of fat breakdown—the initial step of fat breakdown is called hydrolysis. It actually adds moisture to fat to break it down. Without water, our bodies can’t break down fat.

Q4: Does drinking plenty of water help you lose tummy fat?

Ans: Water is an essential weapon in your weight-loss toolkit, but it directly affects abdominal fat. To get rid of the stomach fat, you must first go on a fat-loss regimen to trim your complete body; your stomach will decrease proportionally.

Q5: What is an excessive amount of water?

Ans: Excessive water consumption might result in water intoxication. This is irregular or uncommon and usually occurs in athletes and fighters. There are no formal recommendations for how much water to consume. Some sources advocate drinking no more than 0.8 to 1.0 liters of water each hour to avoid water intoxication.

Q6: What is the definition of water intoxication?

Ans: Water intoxication is a disturbance of brain function induced by consuming too much water. This raises the quantity of water in the blood. 

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