Top 13 Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil for Healthy Lifestyle

Have you ever heard about the health benefits of Flaxseed oil? Do you know that it has a variety of health benefits? Here we will discuss all the help we get from Flaxseed oil.

Flaxseed is a plant-based food that comprises antioxidants, healthy fats, and fiber; this food has been used as an ayurvedic medic in Asian countries for years.

It has nutrients like omega-3, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), polyunsaturated fatty acids, lignans, proteins, and more, so consuming these has various health benefits. 

Flaxseed originated in Egypt, where King Charlemagne was so intrigued that he believed in its health benefits, so he passed an order that his people should consume it.

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Little did we know that the king was actually onto something! Recent studies have found that flaxseeds have more health benefits than you can count.

In this article, we will discuss all the health benefits one acquires from using flaxseed.

What are the Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil?

Though no hard-established research documents suggest that flaxseed can improve your health conditions, research indicates that it can significantly improve your situation.

Want to know how? Don’t worry, I will tell you how.

1. Is Flaxseed Oil Bad For Heart?

Some studies using flaxseed in your daily life might be helpful for your heart.

The ALA present in flaxseed or its oil will benefit your heart condition by easing the potential problem; on top of that, it also helps lower your blood pressure.

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It is also known to have omega-3 fatty acids and ALA, and it was seen that these elements, when ingested, can improve your circulation flow, in turn, keeping your heart safe.

Flaxseed effect on total cholesterol (TC) was seen through some research, and they concluded that ALA that was presented in these helped increase the concentration of smaller plus less atherogenic Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL1+ LDL2) subfractions.

This smaller and dense diameter LDL had a greater predisposition for oxidation and enhanced ability for penetrating the intima compared to the larger ones.

health benefits of flaxseed oil

With all these elements, it was seen that patients consuming flaxseed reported having more beneficial hypolipidemic effects.

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So, flaxseed diets or products can reduce your LDL and TC levels, suppressing your high blood cholesterol.

The study done in Canada showed that intake of flaxseed may help your blood pressure.

Consuming flaxseed for about 25-30g for at least 6 months will lower your systolic and dy-systolic blood pressure.

So consuming flaxseed daily can lower your chances of dying from a stroke.

2. How is Flax Seed Oil Helpful for Diabetes Mellitus?

Intaking flaxseed may help in preventing or curing many diabetic problems.

It was seen that the dietary intake of these seeds showed a positive response with lowering the potential odds of peripheral neuropathy.

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All the studies suggested that flaxseed could potentially help in diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes by reducing the plasmin alpha-2 plasmin inhibitor complex level.

3. What are the Benefits of Flaxseed Oil For Cancer?

Consumption of flaxseed can have a beneficial and protective effect against three cancers reducing the growth of tumors, namely, colon cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer.

It can also reduce estrogen production as a safeguard against breast cancer.

 In addition, consuming flaxseed will enhance the effectiveness of tamoxifen, a drug used to prevent breast cancer recurrence.

4. Is Flaxseed Oil Bad For Hair Growth?

The vitamin E in the flaxseed oil can prevent hair loss and help grow new hairs.

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The linganin acts as the critical binder in the regrowth of healthier and thick hairs, nourishing the scalp and helping with dandruff.

5. What are the Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil for Skin?

Since flaxseed is full of nutrients, consuming them will have a beneficial effect on your skin.

These seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce big problems, keeping the body healthy and the skin healthy.

A high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids helps prevent the skin from getting dry, hence keeping the skin hydrated.

Not only that, but these seeds also have properties like lingagin and antioxidants that keep the skin tight, prevent rashes, and balance out the estrogen level, controlling acne.

6. How to Use Flax Seed Oil For Teeth?

Flaxseed has a good amount of calcium, magnesium, and zinc, along with other nutrients required for healthy teeth, and when you chew those seeds, your teeth are cleaned by scrubbing plaque and germs.

7. Is Flaxseed Beneficial for Weight Loss?

Since flaxseed has a lot of healthy fats and protein, eating them will make you feel fuller, helping you not overeat.

By including flaxseed in your diet, you can have a healthy diet plan to help you lose weight.

8. Do Flax Seeds Are Good for Your Brain Health?

Flaxseed is enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, and linolenic acids can significantly improve your brain health and make you feel fresh.

 9. High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Similar to flax seeds, flaxseed oil is packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

In fact, one tablespoon (15 ml) comprises an impressive 7,196 mg of omega-3 fatty acids.

Particularly, flaxseed oil possesses alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a form of omega-3 fatty acid that is only transformed in small quantities into active forms of omega-3, like EPA and DHA. If you don’t have enough DHA and EPA in your diet, most guidelines suggest a minimum of 1,600 mg of ALA omega-3 fatty acids daily for males and 1,100 mg for females. Just one tablespoon of flaxseed oil can encounter and exceed your daily ALA requirements.

Omega-3 fatty acids are significant to health and have been connected with benefits like reduced inflammation, good heart health, and protection for the brain against aging. If you aren’t having fish oil or getting one to two servings of fatty fish in your diet each week, flaxseed oil could be an excellent solution to aid your diet with the omega-3 fatty acids you require.

10. May Help Treat Constipation and Diarrhea

Flaxseed oil could be efficient at curing both constipation and diarrhea.

Recent animal research highlights that flaxseed oil functions as a laxative to promote regularity while functioning as an antidiarrheal agent. Another study gave 50 constipated patients on hemodialysis either flaxseed oil, olive oil, or mineral oil.

After four weeks, flaxseed oil enhanced the frequency of bowel movements and improved stool uniformity. It was also found to be as efficient as olive oil and mineral oil. Although, research on the effects of flaxseed oil on constipation and diarrhea is lately confined to animal studies and studies on people with particular conditions.

Additional studies are required to conclude its success in the general population.

11. May Improve Skin Health

Flaxseed oil could also help enhance skin health.  

One little research had 13 women supplement with flaxseed oil for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, they observed improvements in skin smoothness and hydration, while skin sensitivity to irritation and roughness had reduced. Recent animal research showed that flaxseed oil had a similar positive outcome.

Mice with dermatitis were provided with flaxseed oil for three weeks. The oil appeared to reduce symptoms of atopic dermatitis, like redness, swelling, and itching. Although, no studies have checked the advantage of using flaxseed oil on people’s skin. However, several anecdotal reports show improvements in smoothness and decreased irritation after using flaxseed oil.

12. May Reduce Inflammation

Despite its omega-3 fatty acid content, some studies show that flaxseed oil could help decrease inflammation in specific populations.

Although, one analysis of 20 research highlights that flaxseed oil did not impact inflammation in the general population.

Nonetheless, it remarkably decreased C-reactive protein levels, a marker used to calculate inflammation, in obese people. Animal research also suggests that flaxseed oil has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Some research recommends that flaxseed oil’s anti-inflammatory impacts are similar to those of olive oil.

For instance, one research on 37 people highlights that flaxseed oil supplements didn’t impact any inflammatory symbol in healthy, normal-weight adults compared to olive oil. While it appears that flaxseed oil may affect people differently, more research is required to check its impacts on inflammation in the general population.

13. Reduces Menopause Symptoms 

There is some proof that flaxseed oil could help with menopause symptoms. A study in 2015 on 140 menopausal women consuming flaxseed oil supplements showed a reduction in hot flashes and an enhancement in quality of life. 

How to Use Flaxseed Oil?

One of the perfect things about flaxseed oil is its versatility. For beginners, it can easily be exchanged for different types of fat in salad toppings, dips, and sauces.

You can also include one serving (one tablespoon or 15 ml) into smoothies or shakes to contain some flaxseed oil into your diet with little effort.

You must remember that flaxseed oil must not be used for cooking, as it does not have a very high smoke point and could build harmful compounds when treated to high heat.

 Additionally used in food, flaxseed oil could be applied to the skin to improve skin health and enhance skin moisture.

However, some individuals use flaxseed oil as a hair mask to enhance growth and shine.

Possible Side Effects of Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil is primarily safe for most people when consumed in the correct dosage and in the short term. Large doses could lead to diarrhea and loose stools. Allergic reactions are also some of the possibilities.

A study in 2010 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recommends that ALA can enhance the risk of prostate cancer or regulate tumor growth. Additional research highlights that ALA from animal-based foods rich in saturated fats could be connected to prostate cancer.

But ALA itself could not be the culprit. Other food components, like the hormones and pesticides in meat, could promote tumor growth.

Although much of this study is hazardous, other research recommends flaxseed could actually benefit men’s prostate health.

One who is anxious about the effects of flaxseed oil on their prostate must consult with their healthcare provider before including it in their diet.

There is limited proof of the safety of flaxseed oil when used topically on skin or hair. Although, little research on a topical flaxseed oil gel found it safe and efficient for carpal tunnel syndrome.

Contraindications of Flaxseed Oil

People who must not consume flaxseed oil include:

  • Pregnant women: It could have adverse impacts in pregnancy, including an increased risk for premature birth.
  • Children: There has not been enough proof of the safety of flaxseed oil when consumed by children. However, it is likely safe for children to take small quantities of flaxseed.
  • Breastfeeding mothers: There isn’t enough reliable information about the safety of flaxseed oil for ladies who are breastfeeding mothers.
  • People having bleeding disorders: There is debate about whether flaxseed oil may enhance the risk of bleeding. If you have a bleeding disorder, consult your healthcare provider before consuming flaxseed oil in food, supplement form, or a topical treatment.
  • Surgery: Flaxseed oil must be stopped at least two weeks before surgery and throughout the initial recovery period to avoid bleeding.
  • People consuming blood clotting drugs: Consuming flaxseed oil with medications that retard blood clotting (such as aspirin, diclofenac, or warfarin) may enhance the risk of bleeding and bruising.

Dosage and Preparations of Flaxseed Oil

There are no particular dosing recommendations for flaxseed oil. The suggested dosage varies depending on the manufacturer.

Flaxseed oil is accessible as an oil utilized in food preparation and gel cap supplements.

 Here are a few steps in which you could use it:

  • You can use this as a salad oil or in cold sauces.
  • You can include juice, shakes, or smoothies.
  • You should not use it in stir-fries or while baking. When exposed to heat, the oil could form harmful components.
  • You could apply it topically or include it in your favorite skin cream to enhance skin moisture and health. 
  • You could also use it on hair to promote growth and shine. 

What to look for in a Flaxseed oil?

You could discover flaxseed oil in the refrigerated section of your health food store or on store shelves. Some brands use antioxidants to make their products shelf-stable, which means they don’t require refrigeration until they open.

Once they are opened, all flaxseed oil should be refrigerated. 

You could search for cold-pressed oil packaged in an opaque bottle to safeguard it from the light.

The oil must be an exact or golden-yellow color. Some oils, termed high-lignan oils, possess particles of ground flaxseed and may seem to have dirt or grit, which is not new.

Fresh flaxseed oil possesses a mild, nutty fragrance reminiscent of sunflower or sesame seeds and tastes crisp and a little nutty. Dirty oil smells fishy, like fried oil, or includes a bitter or burnt taste and is rancid and must not be used. If you observe this or the product has gone through its expiration date, throw it away immediately. 


Flaxseed oil possesses a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids and has been linked to several health benefits, like reduced blood pressure and enhanced regularity.

What’s more, flaxseed oil could be used in several ways. It could be used as a substitute for all other oils; you could add it to food items or apply it to your hair and skin.

Incorporating a minimum of one or two servings of flaxseed oil in your daily process is simple and easy and may have innumerable benefits for your overall health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the health benefits of flaxseed oil?

Ans: Since omega-3 is essential for a healthy body and flaxseed oil has an ample amount of it present, it marks more valuable health benefits than you can count.
Some of them are stated below:
Reduce inflammation
Improve skin health
Improves your heart condition
Helps with weight condition

Q2. How much flaxseed oil should one eat daily for heart and memory improvement?

Ans: Including just one tablespoon of flaxseed oil is more than enough to meet the daily requirements of your diet. This will help you keep your heart and memory in good shape because the Healthy nutrients are present, as discussed above.

Q3. How many calories are there in one tablespoon of flaxseed oil?

Ans: There are approximately 120 calories present in one tablespoon of flaxseed oil.

Q4. Are flaxseed and oatmeal suitable for consumption?

Ans: This diet of flaxseed oatmeal is a healthy low carbohydrate and low glycemic index, providing a good amount of lignans, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber.
This health-conscious diet combo will help you if you plan to lose weight or keep to a healthy diet.

Q5. Consumption of flaxseeds is suitable for children?

Ans: Yes, it is safe for children to eat flaxseed in moderate amounts, and since it has lignans and omega-3, it will only help your child.

Q6. Does flaxseed have a B vitamin?

Ans: Flaxseeds are a good source of vitamins, one of them being Thiamine, aka vitamin B1, which is essential and needed for normal metabolism and good nerve function.

Q7. What are the side effects of flaxseed?

Ans: Although this tiny seed has many beautiful effects on one’s body, it does carry some side effects that may vary from person to person.
Some of these side effects are mentioned below:
Diarrhea ( due to extensive use of flaxseed oil)
Allergic reactions
Stomach ache

Q8. How to use flaxseed oil?

Ans: To use flaxseed or its oil in your diet, you can use one tablespoon of oil in your salads or dressing; that should suffice. OR you can include two tablespoons of flax seeds in your diet or more than that; it depends on your preference.

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